
Killer Of Two Get's Three Years

64-year-old woman convicted of killing two bicyclists was sentenced to three years in prison.

This women was under the influence of morphine and barbiturates and was not wearing her required glasses when the accident happened but that didn't mean squat to the judge. The killer bitch was in a wheel chair and on oxycontin-oops I mean oxygen but stood up to say "not me not me".

I don't care if this was the Queen of fucking Egypt who did this the punishment for killing two people like this under these conditions has to be severe.

But this was in Colorado Springs ya know. Where soldiers enjoy killing women a lot. Also the hub of many religiously insane organizations such as Dobson's Fucus on da Family all who are happier than a pig in shit that Dr. Hiller was killed.

Bet on it.


  1. Hell, if you're a cop in NJ and you crash into a car, killing two teenaged sisters, you get to walk out of court a free man.

  2. "This women was under the influence of morphine and barbiturates and was not wearing her required glasses"

    sorry, that is irresponsible driving and probably would have killed more than two here.

    She should not have been behind the wheel. She should gotten her license suspended at the very least.

    I don't care how much experience you have on the road, a menace is a menace.
