
Neda And The Rest Of Us

Watching death happen and in this case the young women Neda is and you can fill in the rest of it.

Don't anybody forget that our troops killed at will anything that moved in Falloogeh and that means women and children just like Neda and includes people carrying white flags.

We have killed untold numbers of Neda's and her brothers and it brings me to tears having watched this person die.

We have done this for years in Iraq and Afghanistan and those we elected to stop the killing of innocents in '06 and '08 continue to fund the killing instead.

We are not leaving either of these two country's because the consortium of evil loves death and has told those who were elected to stop the killing of innocents in our name that they will love it too. Either that or else.

Nothing is going to change and if anyone thinks health care will change for the better is fucking nuts!


  1. Everything seems to suck everywhere. I can't believe what is happening in Iran and I really don't see Health care coming. They are saying the 1.2 trillion will only cover 16 million people. That is only a third. What about the rest? Who decides what third? I don't see it happening!

  2. You're right. We did all those things. I'm reading about WW II in the Pacific Theatre right now, and I think we should all get happy pills twice a day.

  3. Buyers remorse is setting in with Obama big time.

  4. You can't please everybody but I just think there are outside forces involved that are calling many shots but that's me because in my cornfield logic nothing else makes sense.
