
Panetta Opens Pie Hole On Bin Laden

He's thinking he's in Pakistan and hoping joint play time with them will yield the ever elusive bin Laden where ever the fuck he is.

"One of our hopes is that the Pakistanis move in militarily, combined with our operations, we may be able to have a better chance"

Same old bullshit different players is all. If you think you know where this man is at go the fuck in there and find out. Yea someone work some goddamn magic with our good buds and give a crack at it not later but fucking now.

Panetta said al Qaeda "remains the most serious security threat" to the United States

Our side loves the fear factor damn near as much as the Bush bastards.

Bottom line we don't really want to get him now do we. Wouldn't be too good for the 'ol war machine if the biggest baddy of them all was gone.

War whores damn near every one of them and there ain't a fucking thing we can do about it except bitch.


  1. And the games continue.

    Have a fucking beer and relax for a minute bud, I am!

  2. Some things just never change, One Fly.

    Reagan turned the US into a war machine for the profit of the rich, and until that changes nothing will change.
