
Show How Stupid Tough You Are Cowboy Parents And Don't Cry

Twelve-year-old Richard Wayde Hamar of Yuma was killed in a bull-riding competition at the Little Britches Rodeo at the Boulder County Fairground in Longmont this morning.

Yea no shit that's what happens when a big ass bull steps on the chest of your 12 year old! The article lists five others who died the same way. I am not a parent but I can say for sure my kid would not be trying to ride a fucking bull at 12 years of age and there is one who died at nine.

Then there will be an autopsy. Save your time cause it was cowboy stupidity that killed this young man.


  1. Darwin RULZ!

    that's one lil redneck peckarwood who won't be reproducin'!

  2. After reading what I put up early this morning I thought it might have been a bit harsh. But the reality is that that for the most part I don't have a very high regard for da cowboys. Fact be known of the ones that have figured out how to vote most go repug-bet on it.

    Is that really your position Woody?

  3. You know, people do not think before they let kids do things. You can get killed doing that so be prepared when it happens. Here a 5 year old was killed when his father and the guy overseeing things let him fire an Uzi. Of course it kicked up and shot him in the head. Come on!

  4. What was to be accomplished by a 12 yo getting on a 1200# bull. Whoever signed the release form is guilty of childslaughter.

  5. I don't think these bull are the big ones used at regular rodeos but that changes nothing. As with the UZI it seems people have lost their common sense.

  6. I gotta disagree. When I was 12 years old I did shit that probably should have gotten me killed. And you know what? If I'd been one of the coddled wussified children of nowdays I woulda just gotten in step with the right-wing redneck indoctrination that my parents tried to force-feed it, instead of becoming an ornery redneck liberal.

    I don't think we do kids a favor if we protect them from everything dangerous, especially when they've gotten to the point where they're starting to feel their oats -- and believe me, if you knew the shit I got up to at 12 years old, you'd probably be as horrified as my mother would be if she found out. But that was back in the days when moms turned their kids out and said "go play outside" instead of barricading their kids in the house in front of a glowing baby-sitter all day long. So it goes.

    - Badtux the Ornery Penguin

  7. Excellent points BT and I too am lucky to come out of that era unscathed as well.

    What should have been said better by me is that adults riding bulls aren't getting killed but the kids are so in my way of thinking some tweaking needs to be done with this sport.
