
Treason Is Good For America

I missed this folks as it's a couple days old and it's a story I/we all know well but I have to give my two cents.

In light of Monday's refusal by the US Supreme Court to hear a civil lawsuit filed by former CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, against Bush administration officials who were responsible for leaking her covert CIA status to the media and attacking her husband for accusing the White House of twisting prewar Iraq intelligence.

H/T Antimedius

What happened to Joe Wilson was bad enough but the outing of his wife Valerie has got to be one of the worst acts of treason our country has seen and I don't care squat what the whore media says otherwise.

What's important here as like every other crime these douche bags committed there will never be any accountability fucking ever!! And Obama went along with the Bush bastards on this case.

How I screamed and wrote like bloody murder about the yellow cake one of the dozens of lies from these killer mother fuckers in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq but to no avail as big whore media convinced the sheep war was going to be a very good thing indeed.

So all the bitching and moaning done here doesn't change a thing but I know what's right and what's wrong and who's lying and who's not and I will never forget the Wilson's and in particular the people who did this to them and also the pieces of dog shit who let these treasonous country rapers get away with this.

And once again my friends another example that there will be absolutely no accountability for the crimes of the Bush bastards. None-nada-ziltch!! And many are still doing the same shit in different ways with our new administration siding with some of the same policy's.

Health care for all? Fucking forget it. We will get what the corporwhores tell them to give us.

And that's the way it is I shit you not. We are so screwed.


  1. Man, your really pissed and rightly so. I am beginning to see cracks in the hope banner and maybe it just the stress of the load that Barack's shouldering. These are very difficult times and what gives me hope is where would we be with McCain in there? We have the best man available and he can only do so much. Maybe resign ourselves to fight another day.
    Played any golf?

    How'd you score?

  2. I don't disagree Russ. Pissed - sure you betcha even though I know what's coming. When I say a consortium of evil controls I mean that too.

    Golf-we had three weeks of pretty shitty weather where when I could golf it was raining. I have golfed and will tomorrow. Been jumping around and not really keeping score as I hate that. Hitting it so well and play for par on each hole. Will be playing more. Been working the last week on the abode.

  3. And I'm pissed too - or rather still. We may have dumped bushco but the evil remains in place.

  4. Really makes you want to become a covert operative doesn't it.
