
TSA Ever Vigilant In Stupid Department

It's a knife-a small one. Stop the presses and throw common sense out the window and fuck with the passengers who are on board and want to get to where the hell the plane is supposed to be headed.

We haven't excluded the possibility that it was inadvertently left behind by some maintenance workers, or something as simple as that," she said. She was not sure where the knife was found, but passengers on the 5:50 p.m. flight were taken off the plane and their luggage was rescreened and nothing was found, McCauley said.

TSA doing this kind of shit is not new I just have a problem with people or organizations being dumb fuckers.


  1. The only people they hire for the TSA are those for whom the trip to the airport is as far as they've ever been from home. I believe there is a physiognomical profile they must meet, too: Ridged, sloping forehead, monobrow, slack-jawed, floppy-lipped, drooling, morbidly obese, functrionally illiterate, moronic, pin-headed knuckledraggers get preferences, with extra points awarded for demonstrated hostility toward "others."

  2. That is asinine. If someone wants to cause trouble they do not need a pen knife. They just continue this facade of concern and security and have no problem inconveniencing in the process.

  3. Ain't the brilliance of the TSA just fucking wonderful?!?!
