
What Do You Get When You Mix

Crazy ass religious kooks-the military and a whole boat load of nutters??

The answer to that is Colorado Springs,Colorado

A man ran across a street to help a 62-year-old who had fallen and hit his head, only to rip off the injured man by stealing his wallet.

There is more bad shit that goes on in this city I tell you. I'm glad I can easily avoid this place. They do have a cool zoo if that's worth anything.

Another thing is there are a bunch of lefty's that are very vocal and active and a tip of the hat to the good guys!!


  1. Got a sister in hiding on the Palmer Divide. I told her about the Springs, Focus, the Academy, etc...but she and her husband were charmed by the scenery, and the climate, and the fact that it's NOT New Mexico, where they'd lived for 35 years...so they chose to ignore me, to their chagrin...

  2. Jesus H. Christ. What kind of creep rips off an old man that has fallen and hurt himself? Fucking worthless prick.

    No one is immune to violence now..no one and no place. I don't care how much you pay for your home..violence can and will enter your life at some point.

  3. you know that Springs and Denver are not typical of most Colorado population centers and what happens in both I don't believe hurts Colorado's image, yet it does display the economic frustrations of those who live there.

  4. What kind of fucking douchebag steals the wallet from someone who's injured.....oh...that's right...a fucking douchebag!
