
America We Have A Problem

I look at this and just shake my head. No I do not have a TV and no I have never watched this program or any others like it. Yes I am older than these people but I know for a fact that I do not think like most of those my age.

More than 4,000 people lined up in the early-morning hours, estimated Patrick Lynn, "American Idol" supervisor producer. He said he expected double that number by the end of auditions Tuesday. To get to this point, they had hitchhiked, borrowed money and forfeited sleep, some traveling from as far away as Hawaii, a few for a second or third try at getting on the No. 1-rated show on television.

I understand that the world I grew up in is much different than the world these young people are experiencing today. Dusty a few days ago made a comment about how much more unattractive overweight people appear if good choices are not made with the clothes that they wear and she was referring to younger women.

On the Fourth of July I was around more people than I had been in many months. Locally for the most part people are fit and it's the tourists were talking about here. What I noticed was the amount of overweight people particularly young women.

Yes it was a long time ago but I do not remember the girls carrying so much extra weight around. I know for fact that was not the case not like it is today.

For one thing most every young person I knew worked and worked pretty damn hard and that probably has something to do with it. And while working we were all learning skills that we carry with us today.

What I and many other friends were concerned about during those times was what in the fuck is going to be our association with Vietnam. This country is fighting two wars and you damn well bet these thousands of young people who have showed up in an attempt to possibly get on TV first of all to not have any responsibilities in respect of holding a job because they don't have one and secondly chances are very good they don't know squat about the wars were it now. And if there was a chance that they had to go and possibly die in these faraway places they may not care so much about getting on TV.

Just say'in that we as a society and a country are regressing.

1 comment:

  1. I think that these youngsters are being just that, young kids who at the least have a passion to travel and believe that they have what it takes to make it onto the show.

    Onefly, you and I grew up in a different time and this prominently displays that.

    As to the overweight thing I lay this problem at the feet of the parents. Children need guidance like cars require guardrails to keep them on the road when they travel around the dangerous curves of life.
