
Churchill Won But He Lost

So you go through the whole process called a trial that lasted for about three weeks and the jury finds that you were terminated illegally and there was a violation of your right of freedom of speech. Well that doesn't mean squat here in Colorado.

In a ruling Tuesday, Denver District Judge Larry Naves vacated a jury finding that CU's Board of Regents improperly terminated Churchill, who was a professor in the Boulder campus' ethnic-studies department.

Why bother with a trial when there is a whore judge waiting in the wings to do the bidding of the powerful nutters here in this state who could not stand that they were called out for the sick fucking war whores they are.

Sonsofbitches every last one of them!


  1. The first rule of law is blindness, deafness and speechlessness. We have many judges violating one or all of these. You know it is funny that (R)'s rail against legislating from the bench yet when it goes their way they do not see the danger in the precedents it sets. In the Ricci case Sotomayer ruled against them on precedent and the SCOTUS over ruled the previous decision (precedent) the circuit court was mandated to use in it's decision. You won't see that in print anywhere but will come out in her confirmation hearings.

  2. Ward is just the latest example of being destroyed by the truth. He told the truth as he saw it and was destroyed by the powers that be in Colorado. Why we should be surprised by things like this is the bigger ?. Same old shit, different day!! Fantastic photo there maizeman or would you prefer being called a "corn dude"?
