
Convoy Bomb And OTC Calls Bull Shit

Yea no shit Cisco-I don't care squat about this because it's never going to stop.
A roadside bomb exploded near a convoy carrying U.S. ambassador to Baghdad Chris Hill in southern Iraq, but the envoy was unhurt, the U.S. embassy said on Monday

But what I call bullshit on is this-

Iraq is littered with munitions dumps from the time of Saddam Hussein, many of them left unguarded by U.S. forces after the 2003 invasion to oust him. Militants have since then had a steady supply of explosives with which to fashion home made bombs that can easily be concealed in pot holes or trash piles.

Why in the fuck if this is true are these munitions dumps still around after all these years? Give me a goddamn break here. I just get a serious attitude when it comes to dumb ass shit like this.


  1. It is dumb ass shit ain't it? Makes me wonder if anyone in charge over there has two brain cells to rub together.

  2. Are you sure they weren't left there on purpose to continue the charade? It plays perfectly into the hands of the likes of Haliburton and others to put this charade on a continous "loop cycle" to justify an illegal occupation. Think we're leaving? Just say S.Korea 60 years later!!!

  3. I can't believe they are still there but I would not doubt if they were left there to arm the civil war that any idiot knew would happen once we get out of they way not it looks like it is already getting under way.
