
A Good Story

Anytime the elderly can be stimulated into doing things it's all for the better. And when they ask for the unusual and it happens for them that makes it even better.

Dreams come true at any age, residents of a northwest Iowa retirement home found out this week.
Gertie Vander Ploeg, 89, who wanted to learn how to e-mail her children, received a donated computer and free lessons. Ken Roos, a World War II veteran weakened by stroke, was visited by Army pals who shared a tent with him on Okinawa. Daloris Rensink, 82, saw the family farm she left behind - from 1,500 feet in the air.


  1. That brought tears to my eyes One Fly. Thanks for sharing it. ;)

  2. It kinda did me too Dusty. When dad was at the rest home for that short time I tried to talk them into a computer station.

    I had seen a video on how the Wii game helped the elderly in different ways and went to the next town to buy one for them but that's when they were hot and there were none to be had anywhere. The good thing is they now have one and it has made a difference for many of the elderly and put smiles on everybody. This story and the story in the post is just plain good stuff in these times.
