
Not Here -You Don't Dare

Someone will go to the slammer for sure. Hell we can't even discuss this rationally. We respect life way toooo much in this country. And even if you're ready to die and want to you can't at least not until the state tells you that you can.

This is what dieing with dignity is all about. It's long past due that common sense and the right of those who wish to call an end to their life on this earth be allowed to do so without fear.

Downes — Sir Edward since he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1991 — and his wife ended their lives last week at a Zurich clinic run by the assisted suicide group Dignitas. They drank a small amount of clear liquid and died hand-in-hand, their two adult children by their side. He was 85 and she was 74.


  1. I've not looked too deeply into this, but the question that arises is why? Did they have a painful incurable disease and wanted to end their suffering or were they pressured into ending their lives by their children not wanting to see their inheritance spent before they could get their hands on it?

  2. Nothing like that at all. It was time and the choice was made that was the best for them not what is best for others.

    How's the golf game??

  3. A personal decision such as this can only be done with the consent of 2 physicians who've examined the applicant(s) and judge them mentally fit. A waiting period of 2 mths also is required, so this is not done w/out thinking it thru. When I first read this I forwarded the article to Liz&Dick but they didn't pass the competentcy test: our loss somehow. Anyway, you can do something similar to this in Oregon if you're terminal and even The Poop can decree an OK, rarely. Most of my Oregon friends voted yes on this twice: death with dignity seems like a such a positive idea.

  4. I've always thought that is was odd how some people will put their beloved pets 'to sleep' because it's the 'humane' thing to do. These people don't want their pets to suffer. And yet these very same people, when looking at a suffering human being, refuse to give the same right to human being, that they are willing to give to a dog. Why is it merciful to kill a faithful pet so that that loving creature doesn't have to suffer to it's end, but a sin to offer the same courtesy to those humans that we love as well.

  5. The government should stay out of someone's decision to die. This is interference in a soul's destiny.
