
Nutter Mania

Time will only tell what these whack jobs are up to now but you can damn well bet with Palin it ain't going to be good. Very possibly they are ramping up for something possibly very bizarre to us and normal to them.

Been two days since I've put anything up but there is a parade today and the local nutters will be out in force after that on the court house lawn with their 1773 nonsense. We'll see how long I can swallow this shit but I'm going to be on the fringe just to see for myself in person for real just how fucking imbeccillian these people are. Maybe I can get something good to share.

Right now I'm headed to work not to do that but to attempt to take some pictures in a non-work situation. Then I get to see a monster fireworks display tonight. It will be monster cause I haven't seen any in years so it'll all be gravy.

Here's another picture of this horse fly from a couple days ago. This is too much.

Have a fun and safe 4th!!


  1. Love your header and the fly pic is neat!

    As for Sarah..we can only hope she is going down for something. I really hope this marks the beginning of the end for her.

  2. What is the 1773 nonsense that you are referring to?

    The pictures you take are amazing. As for Sarah Palin... she just proved that she can't piss with the big dogs.

  3. It's the tea-bagger thing Cat's.

  4. Thanks. There wasn't any teabagger events worth mentioning in PA. Strange since part of PA is known as Pennsyltucky. Though that part of the state is sparsely populated. It's very rural and besides, they were having way too much fun with their guns so they wouldn't have time to attend a teabagging event.
    Hope your 4th was enjoyable.
