
Palin And Piss Ants

Let's get this straight. Palin says "I am not a quitter. I am a fighter,". She may believe that but the reality is that and I hate to be mean a very a stupid person and you noticed I didn't say dumb bitch.

What she doesn't realize too is that she definitely is nothing more than a piss ant in time like we all are and if she would keep that in perspective which she won't we would be hearing less from her which would be a very good thing!


  1. I just think she, as anyone would, liked the attention on the campaign trail and realizes that she can use it to make alot of maoney and be set for life financially. In a way I don't blame her. If people are willing to pay for her book, write one. If people are willing to whatch her on teevee, then get a tee vee show. And I think she sees her window of oportunity shrinking over time.

  2. Wow, we are but a speck in a fly's eye. Amazing.

  3. Well, Sarah Palin will not be a Barbara Walters nor will she be an Oprah. Sarah will be more like a Hasselback... filled with hot air and nonsense. If Sarah gets a tee vee gig, then she will be extending "blond" jokes to include "brunettes". It doesn't matter what she says, she is a quitter. Sarah couldn't take the heat. She folded and melted just like the Wicked Witch of the West.

  4. Sarah is a speck on a flys ASS. Nothing more.

  5. She is a lying ass hole just what the right likes. Now she abandoned her post, sickeningly she will now earn millions for her and that frigged up party.

  6. I don't know what happened but all my links on the sidebar disappeared. Fortunately, I can still see them on my dashboard.

    Anyway, here's a funny point of view that I posted over at The Zoo.

  7. Was your point that Sarah Palin as governor of Alaska is about as important as we are in the galaxies surrounding our solar system? I agree the focus should be on what's "out there" and dimwits like Palin are really out there.

  8. Cats, late one night last week when I was just about asleep I clicked on the wrong thing accidentally and raised all sorts of problems. That's why the colors are not the same but since I have no taste it doesn't much matter. The other thing that happened is that I had a logo or something installed on the right side automatically but what it did was move all of it down to the bottom even though on the layout it showed that everything was still there. That took a lot of time to get things back to some normality. I will be much more careful with what I'm doing in the future and I hope you have your straightened out. tb
