
A War Whore From The Past Has Died

Robert McNamara has died.

It would be our policy to use nuclear weapons wherever we felt it necessary to protect our forces and achieve our objectives.

Robert McNamara

Happy this man never never got his way but it's the same o years later even with a person in charge who is supposed to be on our side.

Another from him.

Neither conscience nor sanity itself suggests that the United States is, should or could be the global gendarme.
Robert McNamara

At least this man served his country but it has been decades since this man played a role and we did not learn a damn thing. He is no different that the bastards that took us to war in Irak for lies.

Then I see four more of ours were killed this morning in Afghanistan. A roadside bomb-imagine that.

Sick shit this is!


  1. I love it! War Whore is right One Fly! ;)

    Our soldiers are going to pick up the dying pace in Afghanistan aren't they? This makes me physically ill so early in the am here. :(

  2. Thanks Dusty and of course the sheep here have forgotten long ago how the Russky's got their asses kicked all the way back to the Kremlin with more men and resources than we have now.

    I think we're sadly getting an indication of the amount of death coming in Afghanistan.

  3. "but it's different this time" is all I hear from the media and the politicians. no, it's not any different than Viet Nam--same old shit all over again...
