
Sanford Proves Theory

How many times do these religious hypocrites continue to get a pass and are allowed to pull the god card out of their ass in plain sight of the whole world and make believe it counts??

Every time cause it works!

What does it prove-that they are seriously fucking deranged and that we are screwed when the media lets a piss ant like this cheating prick have a mouthpiece to the world.

Had a good trip this weekend and will have something up late today. Will be scarce this week as there's work to be done.

1 comment:

  1. What gov'ts and their minions have not yet accomplished in the U.S.A. they are accomplishing around the globe. Soon the Internet in America will resemble Cable TV in America, and, as a result the song "57 Channels and There's Nothing On" by Springstein will be on a screen near you. Useful idots like Sanford just make the job easier for the Super Fascists to manipulate and turn everything into soap opera. Blogging about "off the menu" items will just make it easier for the controllers to identiify and block sites. Good luck and be careful out there.
