
What Plan?

A plan unlikely to include a government-run insurance option backed by the Prez.

No you slimy behind closed door whored out bought off sonsofbitches it's us that backed a single payer option not this one that will even if passed suck a hind teat at best.

Bipartisan negotiations huh? All that means is that the repugs had you dimwit fuckers down on your knees praying is all.

Bottom line is that you Dims will not fight for us and haven't tried. You will take what these crazy repugs give you-wipe the shit off your face-smile and tell us that's the best you could do.

If something is passed by the likes of you slugs in DC it will bear no resemblance to what works so well for other countries and that you can take to the bank as they say.


  1. A 20yr old Longview, Wa. man lost his life saving the life of a 9yr old girl recently. She was drowning in the Columbia River and this hero lost his life saving hers. He was able to do this because he couldn't hold a regular job with uncontrolled diabetic conditions. He was already over 200K in debt from hospital bills with no ins. My point: If this young hero would have had ins. he would've of been at work and the girl would of drowned. See, the health care system is working for some, and, in America today that's all that matters. Peace, cuz.

  2. Looks to me that the only way we are going to get the public option is to make it the litmus test question for any candidate campaigning for any office in the land. I don't care if someone is running for dogcatcher, they better say they are for it and prove it or he/she can forget my vote. Jihad baby!!!
