
According To ICasualties

According to this six of our guys, two Canadians and a French soldier all perished in the hell hole of Afghanistan last Friday. I put this up because I failed to see any mention of it. That does not mean it wasn't reported by our Big Whore Media.

1339 08/01/
NAME NOT RELEASED YET Not reported yet
US Not reported yet Not reported yet Hostile - hostile fire Wardak Province Afghanistan Not reported yet Not reported yet
1338 08/01/09 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Not reported yet
US Not reported yet Not reported yet Hostile - hostile fire Wardak Province Afghanistan Not reported yet Not reported yet
1337 08/01/09 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Not reported yet
US Not reported yet Not reported yet Hostile - hostile fire Wardak Province Afghanistan Not reported yet Not reported yet
1336 08/01/09 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Not reported yet
Canada Canadian Army 5e Régiment du génie de combat Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Zhari district (5 km west of Kandahar City) Afghanistan Not reported yet Not reported yet
1335 08/01/09 Bobbitt, Christian Corporal
Canada Canadian Army 5e Régiment du génie de combat Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Zhari district (5 km west of Kandahar City) Afghanistan Not reported yet Not reported yet
1334 08/01/09 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Not reported yet 22 France French Army 3ème régiment d?infanterie de marine Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack Pain Ghayne in Valley Ghayn near Nijrab (Kapisa) Afghanistan Not reported yet Not reported yet
1333 08/01/09 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Not reported yet
US Not reported yet Not reported yet Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack southern Afghanistan Afghanistan Not reported yet Not reported yet
1332 08/01/09 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Not reported yet
US Not reported yet Not reported yet Hostile - hostile fire - IED attack southern Afghanistan Afghanistan Not reported yet Not reported yet
1331 08/01/09 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Not reported yet
US Not reported yet


  1. It's summer in Afghanistan. 'Tis the season for all the rats to come out of their holes. Those tribes have fought foreign invaders for centuries. They take most of the casualties but usually force the military they are up against, to throw their hands in frustration. Go home. And several years later, go back. "Hell Hole" is right.

  2. After 9/11 I supported the mission. Today, almost 8yrs later, I'm not convinced anything positive will come out of any of this. So many questionable motives: can we ever trust our gov't to tell us the truth about anything concerning vital nat'l issues? I'm afraid not. The deaths of many thousands and no answers; it seems this is increasingly becoming reality.

  3. Like Anon, I thought going over there to bust Osama and his freaks was the right thing to do..now, I think we are in a neverending war just like the Russians were..and they were bankrupted by their Afghan war..

    I do want all the deaths reported daily..it's the only way to keep this war on the front page.

    ps..I love your header macro of the flower!

  4. Thanks guys, I just saw a bit ago how a bunch of Democratic senators want Obama to double the size of the Afghanistan forces or something to that effect.

    I wasn't sure about this picture Dusty so I'm glad you like it. I took it last Saturday in Eagle. Slowly but surely the flowers are going away and do expect to see a frost before the end of the month.

  5. OF, I love macro's and this is a beautiful one. Frost by eom? No kidding? Christ, we get triple digits until November here in the San Joaquin valley..sigh..I would love some frost! ;)

  6. I do too Dusty. I take a lot of these at work and am rushing it seems. It takes many tries to get a good one but it sure is fun. Pretty soon it will be aspen pictures-ugh.

  7. Well, we don't have Aspen's here so I look forward to them. ;)

  8. I am in the middle of a one year tour in the hell hole. I been here for almost 6 months. I am a combat soldier so i am saying for the record....its Hopeless. im up and down the Pakistan border every day.we win every engagement, and the taliban hide from us but the afghans dont want to stand up for themselves. it will never end. Oh, i almost forgot...Its a contractors heaven over here. the us govt is throwing away billions on contractors. Its a money grab for them.
