
And That Be Me

More boomers are getting loaded these days.

Middle aged baby boomers are still turning on to illegal drugs forty years after Woodstock, doubling the rates of illicit drug use by the previous generation, according to a government study released on Wednesday.

But don't expect the White House to consider legalizing marijuana. "The discussion about legalization is not a part of the president's vocabulary under any circumstances and it's not a part of mine," Kerlikowske said in a telephone interview with Reuters in June.

And by the way assholes-put any label you want on this but get this straight. Just because pot happens to be my drug of choice does not make me any less of a person and get this straight too-I am not a fucking criminal!!

You feel the need to punish me then write the goddamn misdemeanor ticket and get the fuck out the way and my life. Sonsofbitches won't take a stance on legalization I got no time for ya.


  1. Big Pharma and Big Liquor have a monopoly on "drugs of choice" so don't expect them to support reform. Factor in the money the police, both local and feds, the prison builders and all the other vested interests make with the status quo and ... Oh wait, could the drug cartels be contributing to politicians' retirement funds? Do white cops and d.a.'s profile for unspoken political ends? Is Carl Rove in the N.Dakota Norwegian Hall of Fame? If you answered yes to any of these last 3 ?s you are paying to close attention to what's goin' down and need to take a break and get stoned.

  2. Then there is the nasty Big Tobacco.
