
Battle Of The Titans

You never know what you will see from one day to the next. On this day not too long ago watched a wrestling match. Had to get back to work so I moved these two combatants off to the side and continued. They were still going at it several minutes later but it looked like the hornet had the upper hand. It may not be much but I get a kick outta shit like this and besides when out of the ordinary presents itself over teh stupid of politics,media and all around dumbfuckedness why you betcha we're going for it!

This is a bald faced hornet that's not feeling well..

This is what one of their homes looks like and they are actually pretty good neighbors.

This is one doing battle with a humongous ant and both mean business.

And here they are up close and personal.

I'd like to see a match from beginning to end.


  1. I'm saddened you promote this kind of mindless, senseless violence on your website. Most serial killers start out with small things and you've chosen some of God's little helpers to entertain your bloodlust; shame on you. Quit watching all those violent films and TV programs and pick up the Bible and get on your knees and pray for the Lord's help in overcoming this penchant. I just saw Elvis Costello in Jacksonville, Or. and I'll ask you: What's so funny about peace, love and understanding? FYI- I got $100.00 that the ant came back and won, any takers?

  2. I hope Michael Vick doesn't get to see this video.

  3. Very interesting. Great close-up. Looks like the hornet is in charge.

    We had a hornets nest in one of our evergreen trees. The rain and the winds eventually demolished it. I would often walk past the nest and the hornets never seemed to mind. Today, I tossed garbage on the compost pile and disturbed a bunch of hornets feeding on watermelon rind. They didn't bother me at all. Must be because I'm bigger than an ant.

  4. You bet ano - I have at times hunted killed and then ate frogs too.

    After these guys are gone I'm going to get this nest down. It's hard to get a good one cuz they're so fragile.
