
Don't Think Too Much

From Tom Degan via Bad Attitudes. Heard Volunteers on the radio today and to this day it makes me feel militant as the fight is bigger than ever and I agree that many sold out. If I would have sure as hell wouldn't be here now.

Many of the guys you can see in the film, Woodstock — smoking dope under the stars, dancing in a torrential downpour, and grooving to The Who — would end up as prostitutes for Corporate America — buying BMWs and voting for Ronald Reagan. The mantle of “Peace and Love” was, I believe, merely a convenient front. As balding, middle-aged men, most of them would gleefully support their nation’s illegal invasion of Iraq a generation later. By that time, these assholes weren’t the ones who would have to do the fighting and dying.

Misfit had this up today about the intelligence level of our country. There is only the Internets for us to use against Big Whore Media. The two periods are similar in respect to a fight but today much of that goes on in cyberspace.

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