
Dumb Bitch Refuses To Drive Bus Back In The Cornfield

This religious nutter feels oh so picked on and takes a stance that can't be won.

On Monday, the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority suspended bus operator Angela Shiel after she refused to drive a bus with an Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers ad on its side. Shiel, 41, said the ad's message, "Don't believe in God? You are not alone," went against her Christian faith.

DART responded with this - "When you work for the government, part of your job is to respect the rights of your fellow citizens, and you cannot use your religious beliefs to evade that responsibility," he said.

Got that straight? Don't like to hear the real side - the side of reality and you feel the need to cry and say you're being picked on? Tough shit!! Drive the the goddamn bus or get the fuck off.


  1. I agree. She should just go hame and pray to the cloud guy about him getting her another job.

  2. Apparently it's against her Christian faith to be tolerant, she should have turned the other cheek and loved her neighbor a little.

  3. Slap these intolerant psuedo-Christians down and then make them read the Constitution out loud in front of the bus passengers. She probably can't read, unfortunately.

  4. Just smack these god-bothered asswipes to the kerb. Fuck me running!

  5. I love and serve Jesus Christ, but i bet you wouldn't do anything you said should be done to this women to me. You wouldn't even look me in the eye and say it. Your big and bad until somebody stands up for us in the name of the Lord with true heart and not cowardace. Not all God's people hold there tongue. How do you like that for reality.
