
Ensign Digs Even Bigger Hole For His Whoreness

Says - "I haven't done anything legally wrong."

Got a standing ovation for that one.

Excuse me while I go upchuck.


  1. Yeah, and I didn't kill any babies in the process. You know that Hitler killed babies don't you. So see I'm not really a bad guy like that Hitler fellow.

  2. All these slugs never miss a chance to point out how special they are and the big whore media is along side blowing them.

  3. There is not a single member of the House or the Senate who could not be brought up on some kinds of charges.

    The problem with our 'form' of government is that there really is no machinery of accountability, except electoral rejection.

    That is both, usually, post facto and therefore too late, and it is not any significant rebuke, since by that time they've already stolen all they can carry.

    I am in favor of gibbets, myself...

  4. I'm a lying hypocrite and a morally bankrupt person but I didn't break the law; so please vote for me in 2010. And more will be revealed as to whether or not he broke the law or not. Unfortunately, political hypocrisy is a virtue not a vice in the MSM: they think its cute and endearing. What pigs.
