
Grassley - The Biggest Stinking Turd In The Cornfield

This from the Register this morning.

Sen. Charles Grassley made headlines this week when he criticized parts of a U.S. House bill that would pay for counseling for older Americans' final years, but in 2003, he supported legislation that included Medicare reimbursement for some end-of-life services.

And this comment from the article that sums it up much better than I can. He's such a whore among whores.

Chuck Grassley is a lying hypocrital professional politician who counts on ignorant Iowans to return him to office every six years. Yes, he was for "death panels" before he was against them. I suppose he'll find a new way to try to appease the American Christian Taliban & its Warriors of Ignorance, led by the queen of mean & stupid Sarah Palin. Good luck, Chuck.


  1. Ground Chuck is such a steaming pile of hypocritical shit. How he continues to scare the old folks and fundys in Iowa continues to amaze me. Can you say Farm Bureau.

  2. I used to feel guilty just for being born and raised in the south. Now I feel guilty for living in the state that keeps on electing Chuck (who sounds to me like Goofy of Disney fame) fucking Grassley.
