
Grassley Lies Like A Rug As Usual

How this slug can keep a straight face amazes me!

Grassley has received nearly $1.3 million in contributions from health industry interests over the past six years, according to Maplight.org, a nonpartisan research group. Only six senators have received more campaign money from these interests.

Grassley says the campaign contributions have no effect on his positions. Some national health care reform advocates, including those who support a public option, agree.

The Des Moines Whore Register needs to name all those who support single payer AND think the grass man is a real good guy. OTC calls bullshit.


  1. Notice how the media never fact checks their outlandish statements? All the polls have a public option at 70%, and the assholes still come out and say "the public" don't want it.

  2. Chuckie's in love: with all the insurance companies in Des Moines, with all the selfish old people in Iowa who think their Medicare and Medicaid will be taken away, with all the farmers on gov't subsidies(welfare), with the Farm Bureau and it's kickbacks from Big Insurance and Big Agribusiness. Unfortunately for us ex-Hawkeyes, and there are millions of us, he keeps embarassing us by being re-elected. Chuckie also works the state evangelical base like a Tijuana hooker works a sailor from San Diego so he wins. Maybe Chuckie has a hidden talent; I'll go back and look at a photo and zoom in on his lips to see if there are any clues as to why this hot dog taster continues to represent Iowa. Maybe he draws secret support from the people who like sex with farm animals and all the rest of us who don't are missing out: the pollsters may not be talking to the pigporkers and sheepdippers when they ask their questions. Who knew?

  3. Good call OTC. Grassley is going for the world record for lies told in one year, aided and abetted by his media pals. Paul Krugman cited his "sheer personal cowardice" for playing along with his constituents fear of "death panels."

  4. And then this from here on 2/10/08 on how the sonofabitch sold out Sibel Edmonds. Dumb ass cornfielders I tell you!!


  5. Grassley is SO full of shit, his eyes better be brown.

  6. I forget who the other guy is that with Grassley is supposedly working to get the Reform through but they are both getting like sums. There is certainly no motivation for them to help the people. It really does suck pardon me!

  7. Max Baucus that's who I was trying to think of!

  8. The way I see it is that Grassley is going to take the insurance company checks while they have the checkbook open.

    When it comes time to vote he'll put his finger to the political wind weigh his options. What is best for us or what's best for him. Not the type of person who belongs in a position of deciding laws that effect those in his congressional district and the rest of the country.

    How does this guy sleep at night?
