
It Should Have Been Murder 1

This 11 year old girl couldn't walk, talk or eat but her loving parents and others prayed her to death. The "others" should be charged as well.

Madeline died on the floor of the family's rural Weston home as people surrounded her and prayed.

And life is so sacred to nutters such as this! How can we have good government when you have elected people who are just as religiously insane as these holding office.

Mom's already been convicted as dad has of second-degree reckless homicide which is much more appropriate than a recent case in Oregon where it was a misdemeanor charge for similar circumstances.

This is a type of murder for sure and being religiously insane does not give these losers a pass.

Make it a federal offense when people "kill with prayer" and you begin to see a change for the better.


  1. So...let's review. Man reads a book that says "God will heal" and so he believes what he has read. Daughter gets sick and man waits for God to heal her. God doesn't and she dies. Any sane person would now understand that what he read in the book is not true.

    Here is the BIG question! Does he still believe in God?

    Cloud Guy really fucked up this time!

  2. Lets see how daddy gets on in prison. He might need to say a lot more prayers.

  3. That's good Russ!!

    Thanks for visiting Mr. Ender. There's no doubt he's going and no amount of prayer will help when they gang up on him.

  4. The case in Oregon was an absolute disaster for children. The law will be changed albeit a little to late for the 60-70 children buried in the church cemetary. The jurors in the next case involving this family will be instructed differently to be sure. I was embarassed to be an Oregonian and witness murderers being set free using the God defense: the mother of the dead child was so pathetic and weak. Yuch!!!
