
Just How Damn Stupid Are These Massasschoosists Dimocrats

A personal plea from Senator Edward M. Kennedy to grant the governor power to appoint an interim successor in the Senate drew little public support from Massachusetts lawmakers yesterday, with the state’s Democratic leaders publicly silent on the proposal and most Republicans attacking it as a partisan power grab.

It's not like a power grab for control of the country but is intended to give the people of the state of Massachusists a vote in the Senate unlike what happened in Minnesota.

The fucktards on the left will hardly take a stance and the repugs are screaming as usual about some type of power grab. We're talking five months here people.

We will never win against the likes of the extreme right wing and BWM (Big Whore Media) if we can not even take a stance together on something such as this.

These fucking Dims here or elsewhere do not speak for me. Fuck 'em all!


  1. While I agree that the Gov. should appoint, remember that the process was changed in '04 when Dems thought Kerry would win, and the Repub Gov., Mitt Romney, would appoint a repub in Kerry's place. That's the problem with changing a system for partisan reasons; the situation can turn against your favor.

  2. Being here in Mass. they jumped right on that and radio was dead against it. I think it is a great idea after what we saw in Minn. and the environment today!

  3. I don't know what to think.
