
Nutters Stroke The Idea Of A 21st Century Reagan Nation

How do ya like those horse apples and that needs to be done quickly as we are headed down Obama's “road to serfdom.” you see.

The local fish wrapper goes out of it's way to make these evil fuckers appear to be legitimate in their agenda when the truth is there is only one way and that is the way of god-guns-and you damn well better get used to no government at all.

I assume Herr Whore Norquist is up today and with crazy bitch Bachmann batting clean-up would be my guess. They'll all get their chance to preach from the top of daddy raygun's grave.

Know a few who work in the food service business here and the chances may be good for a first hand story of a drunk nutter doing something stupid. We'll see.


  1. Maybe Gomer Nordquists' ego will be shrunk enough by the granduer of the Rockies that it can be drowned in the bathtub and flushed down the toilet. Or that Bachmann falls in the river and since she believes in limited gov't no EMT's save her stupid ass. The optimism of the first cups of coffee will fade today and the reality will be these born again idiots spewing more discredited bullshit from the Playbook of Small Minds by Runny Raygoon.
