
Please Don't Ask For My Support On Afghanistan

Quotes from the chief commander-

"a war worth fighting"
"The insurgency in Afghanistan didn't just happen overnight, and we won't defeat it overnight,"
"This will not be quick nor easy."
"This is not a war of choice. This is a war of necessity,"

We still have well over a 100K troops in Iraq with a very prolonged war planned here one which our leaders think is a good one to be in. Has the prez been slipped kool-aid when he wasn't looking?

Probably not but without a doubt our congress loves war and refuses for what ever reason to listen to "we the people".

As Russ says-stop the madness!!


  1. The military needs 5-10 years to completely exhaust our reserves of equipment and munitions, etc. They've got to drop 'em somewhere so "the Stans" are it. Later on down the road the D.C. boys will need to cut SSN, etc to rebuild the devastated military... "and the wheel goes 'round and 'round, the painted ponies go up and down. We're captured on a carousel of time." They keep handing out tickets to the Circle Game and we keep taking 'em and jumping on board for the dizzening ride. Anyone for a corndog?

  2. And when the military is out of bullets, there will armament factories and suppliers, placed strategically around the majority of States, so when Congress gets to vote on major money for the military, it's in everybodys interest to vote yes. Corndogs for everybody.

  3. Fuck Obama on this issue. Hard and twice even. No way in hell I buy into his fuckery on Afghanistan. No-fucking-way!

  4. Having these "wars-of-choice" provides an iron-clad, ready-made excuse to curtail domestic spending on the 'undeserving.'
