
Pussy's In The Pentagon

A Pentagon official told The New York Times: “Any time the Russian Navy does something out of the ordinary, it is cause for worry.

You have more guns and bullets than anyone else in the world pass all and the Russky's show up with a couple submarines and it's "shades of the cold war". We do this shit all over but we have to worry about this now. Probably time for some new submarines or new tracking devices. We'd have money for that -you betcha.

The good thing is that shooter Cheney and the whore Bolten aren't screaming they need to be blown out of the water.


  1. It's August: time for all the wackos on the right to get hot and sweaty about "military vigilance". So the Russians are within 200 miles 1) we must keep overfunding DOD 2) we cannot afford health care reform (See 1) 3) we cannot afford more stimulus money (See 1) 4) we cannot afford Middle East peace process (See 1) 5) We can only afford to go into debt to overpay Blackwater, prop up Karzai, give Pakistan billions, India advanced military weapons,etc (See 1) 6) We cannot afford health care reform (See 1). 7) We cannot afford,etc, etc,etc,...(See 1). Your taxes go for what? (See 1). Have a great August.

  2. That's my guess. The SecDef's clear priorities now are for things that will help the efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Stuff like shiny new destroyers and subs is taking a back seat, or being dropped entirely. Gotta ratchet up the fear a little.

    This is an interesting development, with some implications for the future, to be sure. I'm not too worried about this yet, and I'm something of a worry-wart. Part of the job of any military is to test out their equipment and tactics. It's pointless to have those weapons if you don't have any idea whether they work or how you should use them. IOW, we do this stuff all the time, and the world hasn't ended. There's a long road between these developments and real trouble. Take that for what little it's worth.

  3. bolten is too busy wishing journalists stay locked up to worry about subs

    that guy is the world's biggest asshole - i hope his kids get stuck in a gulag
