
Rover And Me

I can tell ya a couple of things. First that I am pooped working all day and then coming home and working some more. Not complaining because it'll all be good in the end. Problem is that when I finally sit down to relax I fall asleep in the chair and don't even get a chance it seems to get around to other places to see what's going on.

Well I see the dims have found out Rover had his slimy paws on the ousting of the attorneys. Tell me something that isn't so goddamn obvious.

Will you lame dick pussy's do something about it? I'll believe it when I see it and sure as hell will not hold my breath.

Update: Stopped at the grocery store on the way home yesterday and had to hustle back when I realized I did not have my checkbook. Luckily it was there. Just about got all the way to work this morning and realized I had forgotten key,knife and money clip. I don't wanna work no more forever.

1 comment:

  1. Political prosecutions, illegal wiretaps, datamining opposition, lies by war mongers, illegal searches, unlawful detainment, torture of prisoners, jury tampering and who knows what else. The lasting legacy of the crazies and the sickos: Carl Rove and his bunch: the event planners for the worst nightmare in our recent collective history. Will we ever get our democracy back? Me thinks not, fellow travellers.
