
Simpletons All Over The Country

And this outta the cornfield where Obama won the state and this county I believe. Big Whore Media is doing more than changing opinion with bullshit as it's been able to brainwash these dummies into doing and saying things where they have never participated before but now all of a sudden there is a crisis in their simple minds and they must act.

Jeebus forking christ are we ever in a world of shit!!

Is Barak Obama doing a good job as president? Yes


  1. Deflecting blame is the name of the game.

  2. Went to a small gathering of folks and the main thing discussed was this question: Why do Dems continue to eat their young? My answer was fairly simple; There may be more than "one way to skin a cat" and Dems argue right down to how sharp the knife has to be, Repugs just sell the cat with the instruction " no skinning necessary". The MSM says: See how much easier it is to explain the Repugs position and they'll do all the work for us so let's just trust them. Besides, it gives us more time to talk about important things like who's the real father of Micheals' kids? This is why John Stuart Mill said; "While not all conservative people are stupid, most stupid people are conservative."
