
Starting To Itch Bad For Another Road Trip


  1. http://whiskeydogsandweed.blogspot.com/2009/08/another-gathering-of-blog-geezers.html

  2. Great Song!!! Are you an old fart like moi dude? I grew up on Pure Prarie League. ;)

  3. Haven't listened to PPL in a while. What deja vu that inspired for about 4 minutes. May I suggest a great travel agent: Cyl O. Siben & Ass. have great trip planning ideas that are eco-friendly and cost effective. They are especially good if you just want to get away for the weekend.

  4. I see dat Woody and it will happen.

    Dusty-DOB 50 so I guess to some yes but I can tell from what you and so many other bloggers post that our age may be up there a bit - we remain young in thought and deeds. May my mind never grow old and may I never dress like many I see of the same age. I can still keep up with the kids here at work or more appropriate they follow me. Hope you two are doing well!

  5. I love road trips, long ones, our daughter just moved to the west coast, we live on the east coast, a perfect opportunity to drive coast-to-coast, I've never done it. My wife wants to fly. Damn.

  6. Try to drive one way Holte-you won't regret it.
