
Taliban Kicking Our Ass

This asshole is complaining how fucking hard it is fighting dem Talibans. They want increases in the amount of our troops and the Afghan forces. Fire this complainer and get someone in there who can find that sonofabitch Bin Laden so we can get the fuck out of there.

As a Realist I understand that is not going to happen any time soon. My country loves war and death far too much to give it up easily.

The Taliban have advanced out of traditional strongholds in Afghanistan's south and east, gaining the upper hand as they moved into the north and west. McChrystal told The Wall Street Journal newspaper in an interview in Kabul. "We've got to stop their momentum, stop their initiative. It's hard work."


  1. There's that "It's hard work" thingy again. Yes folks, when the natives find out you're trying to kill them and control their land and natural resources for the multi-nat'l oil companies, they tend not to roll over and take one for the team. Raping, pillaging and plundering in the name of the Lord has always been hard work: if you can find an American Indian activist that's not in jail just ask him and he'll tell ya. Catching Bin Laden isn't the priority; securing safe passage for that oil in BushChenistan is the goal. If our sons and their wives and children die console yourself with the fact they did "the hard work" so our multi-nat'ls make a "good return on investment" there. Money makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around....

  2. Man I said it yesterday in regard to the killing Baitullah Mehsud and two of the commanders killing each other as they fought for control. 3 down and 500 million volunteers to go. They will not defeat this for many years if ever.

  3. The killing grounds of Afghanistan have been profitable for undertakers for generations, the Afghans have been used and abused by foreign powers many times, and in turn they use and abuse foreign powers. Its a mutual kill-fest.

  4. The Congress will vote " no war for you" when the next apprpriation bill come up for a vote.

    No more billions for war.

    The war folks bellies are full of cash and sated for another 20 years.

  5. You boys are indeed sharp!! Thanks.
