
Throw Away The Damn Key

Freezer Boy William Jefferson convicted of taking bribes.

When it comes time send the message to these sonsofbitches that there is a price to pay for behavior like this when you are elected and betray that trust.

And more important this slug makes all of us from the left look like crooks. He's not a Democrat he's an everyday thief no more no less.

Like my dad used to say-put him so far back in the cell they have to pipe him the fucking food.


  1. Well, I guess you have to admit that he was taught by some of the best . . .

  2. I agree he should be jailed for his crimes just like Conyer's wife for taking bribes. Like I've said before though, Dems steal small and Repugs big. Just holding my breath until the arrest all the housing, real estate, deriatives, etc crooks to be indicted for treason. Also, how's that Swiss banking scandal coming along? Gosh almighty, there must be heavy hitters for the IRS and Justice Depts. to be covering up so well. And so it goes....
