
Careful What You Bring Home From The Library

Who woulda thunk

Denver Public Library has banned one of its most avid users for spreading the tiny insects in volumes of obscure literature that he borrows each week.

Three times since Sept. 3, the city has quarantined and fumigated four areas of its main branch. Thirty-one books have been destroyed in efforts to contain the infestation of bugs and their larvae and droppings.

The problem threatens books not only in Denver's system, but those in libraries throughout Colorado.

"It's everybody's collections and everybody's homes at risk," says Tom Scott, manager of security and safety

The fellow who was banned is all pissed off. The thought of having these things on me is so gross and this asshole is feeling picked on. I'm so sick of dumb fuckers who are in the wrong constantly complaining and whining that they are special.

Kiss my ass!!


  1. This guy blames it on his church; in this case the Catholic archdiosee of Denver. The nerve of some people. The next thing to happen will be pedophilic priests blaming their church for their disease because of the repressive, homophobic, women-denigrating actions of their chosen leaders. When will the MSM quit focusing on the Catholic church and let it go back to its' molesting outside the limelight? Where's the justice?

  2. I missed that cuz I was in a hurry. That had some good mileage in it.
