
Check Out

Yea that's what has to be done in the side bar cuz the chair has kicked my ass for the last two nights. After work I need to bang some stuff out that's been on my mind and one is the lack of common sense in our society.

Glancing this morning PM has a great post up on his Family and Friends Blog and the new addition to the blog roll is Rude Kitty that cracks me up and it's funny but just as sad really. Then Cujo at Slobber & Spittle has a post up about Marc Emery that is worth the read for sure.

It is definitely fall now and I gotta get the hell out of here. Have a good one and thanks for taking the time to stop by where there wasn't much to see today.


  1. Thanks for the mention. Have a good outing.

  2. I just br'd Cujo and Rude Kitty too! It's great to find good blogs when so many folks are quitting blogging.

    Hugs to you an thanks for your kind words over at my place OF. ;)

  3. A 2003 BUICK LASABRE IS A DANGEROUS WEAPON!!! Driven, if you can say that, by an elderly person at high speed it killed 2 really good people who were out for a nice bike ride on a beautiful Sat. morning. They were on a vacation, too. Death is faster than Jesse James and meaner than Black Bart: so are Buicks.
