
Could It Be That Net Neutrality Is Actually On The Horizon

From the horses mouth FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski-

"One thing I would say so that there is no confusion out there is that this FCC will support net neutrality and will enforce any violation of net neutrality principles"

This issue is so vitally important if we as bloggers all over the world are to beat back the forces of teh stoopid who are winning right now in my opinion. Without freedom on the internets we have no chance of keeping the crazy's at bay.

Bring it on Chairman Genachowski and it's important to state that until this actually happens we got squat but when it does this will be a major victory and OTC will be one of the first to thank President Obama for making such an important change. Here's hoping!!


  1. I think Microsoft and Google will be for neutral principles, upsetting users would not be in their interests, and both companies will be represented at the open hearings next week.

  2. I think a case could be made that communicating on the internet is no different than making a phone call and were IP's to restrict anyone's ability to do so could be seen as discriminatory.

  3. Oh, dare we hope? (grinning madly)
