
Friendly Idawhore

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (AP) -- The education director of Coeur d'Alene's Human Rights Education Institute says someone left a noose on the porch of her Spokane home, in an apparent threat against the black family.

And that's not all she's experienced either. The sick fucks are crawling out of shitters all over our country egged on by the likes of the limbos and the rest.

I would not spend a dime in Idaho ever if there was another choice.

This is how we defeat these sonsofbitches and that's with the dollar bullet. Nothing new but we lefties couldn't organize this at the level needed even if we wanted too.

Give'em hell and don't take any shit!


  1. Ironic that the Idaho football team nickname is The Vandals.

  2. Are you suggesting a revolt against French, I mean, Freedom Fries? This type of rhetoric only damages the credibility of the Obese Left who eat at fast food joints all over this wonderful country on a daily basis. Can we afford to lose this valuable constituency to the Repugs? As we move forward in the health care debate we need the Obese Left to make our arguments for the Public Option. If not the Obese Left who will supply the necessary statistics of premature death from diabetes, heart disease and numerous cancers? Certainly not Mr. Potatohead and his Conservative allies. Think about what you are saying, please, and have a burger and some Freedom Fries before you post such a dangerous concept next time.

  3. The only person I know from Idaho is an extreme rightwing nutter. She really gets on my last nerve, and always has the audacity to quote Fox News, as if they are telling the truth..LOL!

    I have told my sister that I do not wish to interact with her BFF any longer when I travel to SoCal to see her.

  4. It is sick but Racism will continue to worsen until it Blows!
