
FYI - Afghanistan Body Count

Paid close attention to the deaths in Iraq for a long time. Now that Afghanistan is the hot bed for US troop deaths here is the link to get those numbers and below is what it looks like. 37 this month - 217 for the year and sadly bound to continue to go up.

Fatalities by Year and Month

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 4 12
2002 10 2 9 5 1 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 34
2003 4 7 11 2 1 2 1 4 2 3 6 0 43
2004 9 2 3 1 8 4 2 3 4 5 7 1 49
2005 2 1 5 18 4 27 2 15 11 4 2 3 94
2006 1 7 7 1 11 18 9 10 6 10 7 1 88
2007 0 13 3 8 11 12 13 18 8 9 11 6 112
2008 7 1 7 5 16 28 20 22 27 16 1 3 153
2009 14 15 13 6 12 24 45 51 37 0 0 0 217

Nationality: Fatality Type:



  1. How many wounded? In Iraq it's about 5 wounded to 1 dead so I quess that's accurrate in Afganistan, too. Will Obama cave to the NeoCons and weakkneed Dems? Seems he's in his own mental quagmire on this deal. Pull out and he gets the wrath of Repugs and MSM; stay and he catches all hell from Progressives. Stay tuned. This will get very interesting in the worst way for 2010 and beyond. Anyway, maybe we'll forget about it with the war against Iran set to begin after the holiday shopping season ends.

  2. This is Barack's, Lyndon Johnson's moment he realized Viet Nam was not a win for the U.S. and he must be reading up on what Lyndon did. George Aiken, a Vermont senator stated it rightly, "Let's just declare victory and go home".

    Now George Aiken was no scholar and grew up in Vermont's northeast kingdom where common sense and the reality of being honest was applauded and the need to be politically correct was disdained by voters. I really believe the saying, " don't bullshit me" was coined at a country store near his house.

  3. We'll see before long and do not have my hopes up. My sense is that Obama will try to appease both sides. Thanks guys!

  4. This was supposed to be the good war for the Democrats, the war we "need to win," according to President Obama.

    Here is the twisted logic:
    one war = bad, another war = good.

    Such a position is contradictory and ridiculous.

    If there was nothing to be "won" in Iraq, there is nothing to be "won" in Afghanistan.

    The U.S. government should pull the troops there if it doesn't intend to give them sufficient backing.

    There is no sense in U.S. soldiers dying for nothing, and that is basically what is happening in Afghanistan. More U.S. soldiers have died in 2009 in Afghanistan than in any other year since the U.S. military went there.

  5. With the 10 killed this weekend the number of dead was 20 but now it's been changed to 17.

    No matter what friends we are correct in our logic but the truth of the matter is that we will not get our way.

    Americans will continue to perish for a lie and many will weep for their lost loved ones and then go home and wait till the next one dies-on and on it will go.
