
It Ain't Safe For Kids To Listen To Our President

There will be a nutter movement soon to have the Obama children removed from the White House for their own safety.

It's getting worse out there folks with what I've had time to glance at quickly this morning. This is downright crazy shit happening and it is getting worse. What's scary there is no changing their minds.

Thank the blue (whore) mutts for this cuz if they would have been on the side of right instead of the side of the fucking corporations most of this shit could have been headed off at the pass. Sonsofbitches every one!

Didn't do too good fishing but it was well worth it. The chair grabbed me again and it's a B-25 not a 24 and I will be able to get on this thing.

Look the fuck out and try to have a good one.


  1. Well, there they go again. The worst case of mass projection since the Depression and Father Caughlin. Very racist at its' core; segragationist, white supremisist in its community values, Old Testament readers-Cain slew Abel enablers, gun freak genociders for Jesus, home schoolers who can't read, Jewish bankers conspirators: yadda, yadda, yadda... Say hello to your good neighbors on the school board and your lodge brother at the Eagle's club. Embrace your fellow countryman as they scream bloody murder about some skinny ass black dude whose going to speak at a grade school. Fuck me running, what next?

  2. I love the dragonfly!!!

    The Blue Dogs are the ones actually screwing up the healthcare reform bill. No one with two brain cells to rub together ever expected the Rethugs to support it.
