
Markets On The Radio

Didn't know how to title this.

WOI to stop airing ag market reports.

How times have changed in the cornfield but wanted to say something about growing up on a farm and the relationship of the radio to the farmer.

For the longest time in the morning when cornfielders got up and were having breakfast the radio was on so you could listen to the market report and of course the weather. Then you went to work till dinner/lunch.

At dinner/lunch the radio was on so you could listen to the markets and of course the weather. Then you went out and worked till supper time.

You know the rest of the story rest of the story rest of the story rest of the story.


  1. OTC-Post by Meteor Blades: 09-20-09 10:00PM found at Daily Kos-Green Diary Rescue: 09-21-09. Now don't go out and takes photos of those "ponds" from the natural gas testing plots or Dick Cheney may shoot you.

  2. So, Iowa farmers just look up the weather and market info on the Internets nowdays?

    Yay, this kitty figured out how to comment on your blog!

  3. I knew this kitty was sharp!

    I was kinda referring to those days of yesteryear when I was growing up. Sometimes these guys contract so far out daily markets become mute.

  4. While our parents listened to the local stations for weather and news we listened at night to Clyde Clifford from Oklahoma City. Johnny Cash to Jimmy Hendrix to Blind Faith to Jethro Tull to Frank Zappa to the Velvet Underground. All ya needed was a real good FM portable radio. Our parents may have cringed at the sound or maybe they just realized it wasn't Kansas anymore. Goood post, OTC.
