
Mess Too Much With The National Anthem You Go Pay If You're Black

And this was over a year ago and if it trips the right triggers the deathers come out at anytime.

Marie contemplates the racial uproar that followed, the death threats, epithets, hate mail and lost work, the impact on uninvolved bystanders. Marie received three overt death threats among hundreds of phone calls and e-mails that were laced with racial insults. Hate groups circulated her address and phone number on the Internet.

"I would do it again. Same way. I would do it again.

We have no idea just how great the hate for Obama is now that he is president. They want this women dead just for a song so you can be sure the deathers will never go away when it comes to a black president.


  1. Denver is no different than any large city in America. Racism doesn't exist in the workplace overtly. It exists in certain neighborhoods and taverns and social gathering places and shows up on the Internet. The haters are like cockroaches and hide but they are there. Just be thankful this lady wasn't physically injured though in retrospect she should of considered the potential danger to her family and friends. Everyone has the right to commit poitical, social, or economic suicide but they don't have the right to take other people with them.

  2. Same kinda bastards who sent death threats to Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks after she made that statement about being ashamed that George W. Bush came from Texas. (She shouldn't have been, the asshole motherfucker was born in Connecticut and spent less time in Texas than anywhere else during his life of dumbfuckery). I doubt it's racism as such, when Borat mangled the National Anthem they had to rush him out of the rodeo arena before he got mugged, it's that they've set up that goddamned song about some fort getting bombed as if it were some graven idol for their motherfucking monkey asses to bow down and worship, and if somebody dares paint their graven idol in some other way, the crazy-ass motherfuckers go absolutely insane. Same deal with President Bush, his supporters set him up as some kinda deity or shit, and anybody who said anything different got death threats or worse.

    Assholes are assholes, in the end. And you wonder why cats keep puking hairballs into monkey shoes?!

  3. It's all even more clear thanks to you too. I like rude.
