
Some Things

The poll over on the right(gone now) reflects what we knew anyway that there are for the most part no atheists associated with these lunatic nutters-imagine that!

Why the hell is it that when there is a chance people who drive vehicles some of which are huge can not or do not wish to share the road with those who choose to pedal. You should see the animosity in the local fishwrapper over this but this particular time it come from the cornfield. I just have a serious issue with that and always have. As a former rider or even if one is not I can find a few seconds out of my day to make a safe pass-end of story. It just isn't that big of deal.

The Diocese of Pueblo payed off two people who were molested. The priest when confronted committed suicide in 2005. This is a tragedy all the way around and this shit continues because Benny the Rat does nothing.

And last but most important possibly is about the nutter protesters that can not spell and what have you that to me because of the media seem to be winning. There is a big difference between them and us and that is they are breeding like fly's and that is scary. I'm serious because these baby's will be forever imprinted.

Time to get to work-have a good one everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Like so many in the blogosphere you confuse, pedaling, pedophilia and back- pedaling among our fellow citizens. Let me explain: pedaling a bike on the highways is good for the individual and their community. Yes, it can be dangerous out there kiddies, so watch out for the idiots in cars. Pedophilia is not good for the individual or their community. Beware,especialy you kiddies, of pedophiles in your community such as right wing politicians, ministers and priests who generally use cars. If you kiddies do encounter a pedophile get on your bike and pedal away as fast as possible, especialy if he's in a church parking lot, in a car and you cannot see his hands. Back-pedaling really is the most common of these three. Again, kiddies, right wing politicians, ministers and priests are doing this but the largest group are reporters for Fox News and "talkies" associated with the Drudge Report. They consistently lie to everyone and then get in their cars, drive erractically while cruising for children and then deny it right up to the time they are convicted and sent to jail. I hope this clears up your confusion, OTC.
