
Thought This Thing Was Huge - But

Got blown outta the water yesterday by a friend that told me they get twice this size in Jersey. In any case we're still going ahead with this.

Walked out to the car this weekend on the front range and here this really good size preying mantis comes crawling out.

Took this picture and then tried to move it but it took off to a
building 50 yards away where of course more were taken. Click on this one if you want a good look.

This is the largest mantis I have ever seen. It's not unusual to see them in the high country but not this large anyway. It may not be much but I sure get a kick outta shit like this.

Weather is great have a good day!!


  1. Looks pretty well fed, the bugs must be big up your way too.

  2. The female eats the male after mating with him so the bigger they are the more sexually active and murderous they are. Obviously, the one pictured is the Madonna of The Rockies. Don't put it in jar by itself or it will panic and start doing what scientists call "mantisurbation" and die from eating its' own body.

  3. They couldn't be as big as they are in Texas.Guess Jersey has got both places beat.

    This ano feller is a bit strange. Probably ate too much corn.

  4. The corn wasn't certified organic but was grown locally. Since I left thirty some years ago they made a series of movies called "Children of The Corn" but there was no mention of praying mantis or if the corn was organic and local. There were a lot of corny scenes with corndudes aplenty but this is surely not surprising coming from out of a cornfield. Neither are other things, I guess.
