
What This Really Means

Is that they shot at anything that fucking moved - that's what it means and chances are excellant they did just that. Remember Falloogeh?

Dozens of Taliban killed after US deaths



  1. There ain't a reason in the world that we still have troops over there.
    You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
    The Industrial Military Complex would dry up and rot away without fresh cannon fodder, they know that fer sure.

  2. And it ain't going to change and that's the sd part. We did our part and put people in office that were supposed to do these things and-------

  3. Bustednuckles is exactly right about Afganistan except somebody forgot to inform Obama and his buddies. We are losing ground, literally and figuratively, in this and so many other things. Yet Obama is told to slow down by the MSM and his opposition. Are we to live in suspended animation until some fucking button is pushed by the Corporitocracy in this Fascist country? Are we to sit idly by while even small advances and token gestures are greeted with catcalls by morons, racists, religious zealots and the like with Commies ans Socialist bullshit? Have any of these screamers ever visted a country which funtions under these forms of gov't? I have. 60% of this country couldn't find their own asshole without the aid of toilet paper and their mother's guiding hand. What time does the real revolution start and will even its' defeat even be televised? I am so fucking tired of this endless bullshit from the MSM and the false patriots. When Jesus cured "the lame" he must of meant the lamebrained that fuck this country everyday thru shear ignorance. Fuck these fools!
