
Why Blagojebitch Types Continue To Crawl Out Of The Shitter

Because for instance Blugo says -

he might even try to subpoena President Barack Obama

The former governor spoke by phone from New York, where he was promoting his book, "The Governor." He started the day with an interview with WLS radio in Chicago and an appearance on NBC's "Today" show.

he might subpoena White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Robert Menendeza

All these pieces of shit have to do to get attention is just that above and that then becomes news and is given instant credibility and that's why. This is not news.

A very reluctant link


  1. Illinois politics is certainly never dull. But the players are often just that. The guy should be called Bozo Blogo: the only thing lacking is a Burger King crown. Sell more books, keep the spotlight on for another day; what an asshole.

  2. We must separate governing our country from the entertainment business. Long ago our government operated without our elected representatives vying for face time on tv and promoting their books and whatever else they want to sell to make a buck.

  3. The motherfucker should already be in jail as we speak.

  4. Well said Russ, someone called the news these days "infotainment" politics are going the same way. The people in public office really are awful, contrived, self centered, egomaniacs. I went to a local council meeting a month or so ago, the Mayor seemed like a nice guy, but the councilors, what a bunch of sneaky, sly, untrustworthy, arrogant, good for nothings.

  5. and in bigger towns many have an agenda outside of what's best for the town.
