
Limpy Reid Punish Dim Senators?

Yea the ones who side with the Repugs on health care. Sounds like a hell of an idea.

I'll believe it when it happens.


  1. Divide & Conquer: This is the true leadership we see coming out of the Dems and the Obama Adm as Progressives fight tooth and nail to reform our maggot infested politics. Bankers first, the people last. Insurance and Big Pharma first, the people last. The War Machine and The Pentagon first, the people last. Isreal first, the people last. Big Old Time Religion first, cival and equal rights last. Corrupt Dictatorships first, the people last. On and on it goes as Obama and Clinton disperse their hatchetmen and women to continue the lies and play out the farce of "change we can believe in". At the end of our working lives we'll all be able to reach in our pockets, feel the quarters, dimes and nickels and fully understand this was the change these politicians were talking about in the hallowed halls of our nation's capital. They are nothing more than well-dressed and well-paid liars, gangsters and thieves.

  2. I posted the same clip, lol.
