
Welcome to Beho Beho

Pauline has been away but today she posted this.

I enjoy short stories so much of personal everyday happenings with a twist maybe more. If you want to be entertained with a true to life experience in Africa as a non-tourist take a couple minutes and go read. It might make your day.


  1. The fact that this poor woman cannot get cold beer made this heartrending account of safari all the more personal. I'll insist on my next trip to the game preserves for a little trophy shooting that we carry extra coolers full of cold beer for these unfortunate natives. I am shocked that Bud or Miller has not adequately funded their distribution and marketing depts. to penetrate this region and will call my portfolio mgr. immediately and sell my shares of these dispicable companies.

  2. After calling some of hunting and safari buddies we concluded unanimously that what is needed is a public option for these poor folks. So, since we already have a successful model in place, our state and nat'l park system, Rahm and Barack said they could get legislation passed in 2 weeks. Your friends need not worry. In the next months they will be guaranteed beer anywhere the go: good beer and Barack said he'd even throw in smokes, too.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Are you a dumb fucker or just the monkey you claim to be.

  5. did it ever cross your mind that she was at the lodge with people of colour and that was the reason they were refused drinks? Apartheid still lives in the realms of many white people in that part of the world... It perhaps is not suprising for Americans but certainly for normal Europeans...
