
Ranch Cats

Momma is at the top and is very young having being dropped off on the road probably after the owners knew it was knocked up. The white one is male and is huge already compared to the other.

These were fun cats to be around last weekend


  1. Wow!! What a hottie!! Meow!!!

  2. We are a cat household, can't imagine having four of them though, be cleaning out the cat box every 2 hours.

  3. OTC- What's the difference between ranch cats and farm cats besides the cowboy boots? On my Uncle's farm we once counted 17 at one time when shelling out a corn crib. They all ate well that day. Mark Twain said you could always tell a lady from a woman in the Midwest by the " spring kitten mystery". A Midwestern lady always warmed up the water in the bucket before she drowned the excess kittens every spring. Those Midwestern ladies think of everything.

  4. You know what the standard was-when you cross the Missouri River into Nebraska they are no longer farms but magically turn into ranches,

  5. A cat man, love it! When we moved to this new house last year we left behind a dozen strays we fed but we have our regulars here now too.

  6. Awwww sweet little pussys!! One Fly you are welcome to say whatever moves you when it comes to the likes of linda, God knows I tell it like it is!!
